Guest Speaker Pounamu Skelton lit up the room full of Manawatū Food Action Network community members at Te Manawa in July, as she spoke of her journey to creating Kai Resilience in her community of Waitara, Taranaki. Ponamu’s work included creating community gardens and workshops for her people which not only produced much needed food, but created community and mana for those involved. Pounamu was also full of praise for the work being done in the same space in Manawatu “We are in the infant stage in Taranaki compared to the mahi being done in Manawatu”.
MFAN Coordinator Helen Lehndorf opened the meeting with an update of the work being done in the community including Let's Grow Highbury workshops, the redevelopment of the maara kai / food garden at Te Hotu Manawa O Rangitaane O Manawatū Marae, rangatahi gardening sessions, networking, and connections with all the members on community resilience projects.
Kai Security Coordinator Dave Mollard outlined the methodology he is working through to deliver the 4412 Kai Security Strategy in February 2022. He’s still in the discovery stage, meeting with the many community groups and individuals in the area and getting an understanding of the challenges. Dave then asked the Hui participants to help in the development of the strategy.
The attendees also heard updates from Helen King from Manchester House Social Services in Feilding, Rebecca Culver from Just Zilch and Debra Wynn from Community Fruit Harvest.
Manawatū People's Radio recorded this hui, and the podcast is available on their Specials Page, or at

Manawatū Food Action Network's Dave and Helen, with guest speaker Pounamu Skelton.