Transition Phase 

As you will all appreciate, we have been a project run from DOC Jobs for Nature programme for three years, and we are now restructuring our project to one that has funding and has volunteers.  We want to make sure we have all a solid foundation for Ruahine Kiwi before we bring the volunteers in, and we are working hard in the background to set this up.

We will continue to touch base with you all regularly and let you know how we are getting on.  In the meantime, you can always follow along on our Facebook page or subscribe to our quarterly newsletter


About the project

Ruahine Kiwi is a partnership between ENM’s Manawatū River Source to Sea Collective and Te Kāuru Eastern Manawatū River Hapū Collective with the vision of returning North Island eastern brown kiwi to the southern Ruahine by 2026. We do this through intensive control of mustelids on a landscape scale, with our trap network covering 23,000ha.   We work in strong collaboration with tangata whenua, local farmers and volunteers.  We actively seek to educate and inform individuals and diverse groups of our work and how they can make a positive impact on our rohe.

You can keep up to date with on the ground action with the project by following us on Facebook and Instagram

You can follow trapping progress by keeping up to date with trapping statistics on the TrapNZ website. 

You can read our March 2024 Newsletter by clicking here. 

You can read our June 2024 Newsletter by clicking here.

You can read our September Newsletter by clicking here.

The Ruahine Kiwi Project Launch 2022

The project was officially Launched on 24th of February 2022 at an event attended by over 60 members of the environmental and public sector communities. Attendees included local farmers, Department of Conservation staff, environmental volunteers, Federated Farmers representatives, project staff and elected representatives including the Chair of Horizons Regional Councils and media.

The event took place at the Pohangina DoC base 35 minutes from Ashhurst nestled at the base of the Ruahine Ranges. The launch was an important opportunity to talk to involved parties about the project and what it is, celebrate its beginnings and look forward to a future where kiwi are able to be reintroduced to the area by 2026. 


Volunteer for Ruahine Kiwi

Are you a keen walker or outdoors person who is interested in checking
a trapline on a regular basis? Do you have other skills you think might be valuable to the project?

We are looking for volunteers for a variety of possible roles from July 2024 when project funding changes, and we realign our work for the next 2 years. 

Please fill out the form below to help us manage your skills, interests and availability with our needs.

Give the gift of helping returning Kiwi to the Ruahine Range.

As a donation, for a loved one for a special occasion or just to say you care. Gift to support Ruahine Kiwi in our vital mahi to enable the reintroduction of Kiwi by 2026.

Your gift will help resource the ongoing work to significantly decrease predator numbers in the Ruahine Range so endemic bird and plant life can thrive. This in turn will create the right climate for Kiwi to be safely and successfully introduced by 2026 into an area where they have been scarcely seen for many decades.


1. Make a donation of your chosen amount.

2. Once the donation is received, we will send out a gift certificate. This will be sent to you, or to the gift recipient/s directly (if their email address has been provided).