About Community Food Sovereignty
Community food sovereignty is about ensuring that communities have the right to healthy, culturally appropriate food that is grown locally and sustainably. Our network in this area, including the Manawatū Food Action Network (MFAN), works together to help communities grow their own food, make healthy food more accessible, reduce food waste, and provide free or affordable food to people. Our goal is to ensure everyone has access to healthy food that is grown in sustainable ways.
Manawatū Food Action Network (MFAN)
Manawatū Food Action Network (MFAN), is a collective of community groups who work together to help communities grow their own food, make healthy food more accessible, reduce food waste, and provide free or affordable food to people.
Our shared vision with our network groups:
As people of the Manawatū River catchment, we will receive our food in ways that enhance ecosystem functioning and the environment while also supporting human health and well-being.
What we do
Our activities include advocacy and education for food resiliency, food localisation, community-food initiatives, skills transfer and waste minimisation in the Manawatū.
Our scope of interest includes (but is not limited to) food security, food sovereignty, food banks and sharing sites, food waste capture, harvest capture, food resiliency, localising food, community gardens, community food education, crop swaps, seed banks, composting and more.
We work together to help close gaps, encourage better collaboration and awareness of services and activities of the members to the benefit of the local community.
We seek to foster and assist food resilience projects which are successful in increasing the mana and sovereignty of food-insecure communities.
Our member groups
Find groups in the Manawatū who are taking climate action here

The 4412 Kai Resilience Project
Get Involved
Click on the links to learn more
Start your own initiative and apply for EIF funding
Join our Circular Economy Network
Community gardens in the Manawatū
Plant your own: Get free seeds and borrow our tools + other gardening resources
Food waste management resources
Manawatū Food Action Network
Daniel Morrimire - Coordinator
Email: food.action@enm.org.nz
(06) 355 0126
FB: www.facebook.com/manawatufoodaction
We acknowledge the mahi of Volunteer Central and Norelle Ward who initiated and housed MFAN from 2016-2018.
In huge appreciation, we acknowledge the mahi of Sharon Stevens in faciliating the creation of our Food Vision Statement.
Ā Tātou Kai me Tō Tātou Taiao: Our Food and Our Environment
Te mahi o te kai me te taiao: Key actions for enhancing our regional food ecology