Reducing our food waste is a priority for our people, our pockets and our planet
However,the level of food waste in Aotearoa is alarming. It is estimated that over 30% of food that is produced goes to waste. As if the enormous effects on greenhouse gas emissions aren’t bad enough, this is happening at the time as many of the whanau in our community are suffering from food insecurity.
Research shows that the very best thing we can do to combat food waste (other than reducing production) is to ensure that all food that is fit for human consumption, is consumed by humans.
With this in mind the Manawatū Food Action Network have undertaken to improve the level of food fescue across our region. In partnership with local agencies we have developed resources to enhance the level of food rescue in the Manawatū.
These resources can be downloaded from the links below and are:
The Manawatū Food Rescue Guide
Designed to help people understand what you can donate and where you can donate to.
Food Rescue Best Before Guidelines
Helping people assess at what stage within 'best before' dates iems are ok to donate and/or be accepted for donations.
Our thanks
We would like to acknowledge the Department of Internal affairs for funding this work and local food security NGOs for their co-operation and contribution to this work, in particular:
Salvation Army Palmerston North