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Need Funding for your Environmental Project?

  • Do you have an exciting idea for an environmental project for our city?
  • Does your environmental group need funding to increase reach and capacity?
  • Have you got great ideas and vision which could be accelerated with financial support?

All environmental projects and groups are invited to consider applying for the fund; everything from biodiversity projects to community resilience to green urban design may be eligible.

“We are excited to add the coordination of the fund to our offerings for the city” said ENM coordinator Madz BatachEl at the launch of the fund in February 2021. “Sometimes a funding boost can hugely increase the impact and capacity of an environmental project so it’s fantastic to be able to support environmental projects in this way.”

The funding is aimed at initiatives within Palmerston North City Boundaries. Groups outside the city are advised to enquire.


The Purpose of the Fund

The main purpose of the ENM Environmental Initiatives Fund is to support community projects that align with priorities of both Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) and ENM, to improve environmental outcomes for the city.  Grants will be available to projects taking place within Palmerston North's City boundaries. The priorities of the fund for the 2021/22 year are intiatives that:

  1. Respect and enhance the mauri of the Manawatū River.
  2. Focus on community resilience, sustainable living, food security and education.
  3. Regenerate and support native biodiversity.
  4. Provide education or development relating to sustainable buildings and/or green spaces.

Further detail about the priorities and eligibility for the Fund are outlined in the Fund Guidelines.


Fund Guidelines

Before you submit an application, it is advisable to read the grant guidelines.  These outline the priorities and elibility for funding, as well as the criteria against which applications will be assessed. The guidelines for each fund can be found at the following links:

Environmental Initiatives Fund Guidelines Small Grants

Small Grants - open now

Applications for Small Grants (up to $1000) can be made by individuals and organisations at any time.  The application form is concise AND NOT TIME CONSUMING.   You can preview the form, fill in and submit at this link:

Small Grant application form 2024-25

Large Grants next open early 2025

Want to find out more about the Fund?

Please click here to access frequently asked questions about the funds

Read stories about grants awarded as part of our 2023 funding.

Read stories about grants awarded as part of our 2024 funding.

To find out more about the fund, discuss whether your project idea fits the criteria of the fund, or ask us how to go about applying, please contact Kerry Jaques on 06 355 0126, email admin@enm.org.nz, or drop into the ENM office at 145 Cuba St. PN.