A small jewel in the crown of Feilding’s sprawling Timona Park, Timona Park orchard sits at the Simon Street end of the park alongside the regenerated wetland and native bush. It’s a restful place for people and families to sit and observe nature and enjoy the view.
The Trust, initiated by the late Gill Absolon, was incorporated in August 2016. It oversees the orchard, wetland and bush in conjunction with Manawatū District Council.
The orchard is largely pip fruit (crab apples, apples and pears) and it was a volunteer turning the crab apples into jelly that instigated the making of other delicious jams and jellies as a fundraiser for the Trust.
The regeneration of the wetland and native bush has seen bird and insect life increase as the native tree plantings have increased and grown. Chairperson Barbara Robson says, “We tend to see tui and pīwakawaka (fantail) year round. A kārearea (NZ falcon) stayed for a couple of weeks one spring and was responsible for decimating the population of ducklings. The frogs in the wetland provide a wonderful chorus in the summer months as they go about their breeding”.
A group of volunteers meet most Sunday mornings, weather permitting, and not on public holidays, to maintain the area. “Currently there are about six of us actively involved with the upkeep of the wetland, bush and orchard. They are a great bunch of dedicated and loyal volunteers who work well together and look after each other. However we do need more volunteers to help with the upkeep of the area and in particular the management of the orchard. If people only have an hour to spare that’s OK. Help with enhancing our Facebook page would be great too. Every volunteer’s contribution counts”, says Trustee Kathleen Duff.
You can support TPOT by buying their jams and Jellies which are available at the Environment Network Manawatū Offices on 145 Cuba Street for a donation of $5 a jar; otherwise refer to contact details below.
If you are keen to get involved with the Sunday morning working parties or discuss other ways you may be able to help please contact Chairperson Barbara Robson 0274448355 or email timonaparkorchardtrust@gmail.com