The realisation that holistic development cannot be achieved by a singular view brought Laurin Benedict to ENM as its current volunteer intern where she will is a welcome presence over the space of the next three months.
Laurin arrived to Palmerston North close to 11 months ago from India to pursue her Masters in Sustainable Development Goals, specializing in Environment Sustainability at Massey University. She previously completed an undergraduate’s degree in science majoring in Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. After spending her entire life in a big and crowded IT focused city in India, stepping into Palmy was definitely interesting change, but she notes that she ‘fell in love with the fact that she was closer to nature in abundance like the ability to see constellations in the sky from her bedroom window’.
As she studie,s Laurin is coming to understand that ‘there is an utmost need for holistic thinking where a combination of scientific thinking, social awareness and community approach is needed to bring about sustainable development and global conservation rather than a singular view approach to development problems of our day and age’. She chose to do her internship at ENM because of its goals and objectives of combining community actions and science towards social and environmental conversation and development.
Her role at ENM is varied, as she helps the busy team during events season, and with their day-to-day mahi. Her primary focus is the Plastic Pollution Challenge, which will have upcoming events in March, (watch this space) but also helping to streamline and sort recycling systems so they are easier for the public to engage in.
So far working with ENM has been an eye opener for her. She has learnt that no matter what the work is and no matter how big or small, it all has an impact in the bigger picture. For her volunteering is ‘important… because it plays a crucial role in helping most projects achieve their goals and objectives. It is also a fabulous opportunity to increase community bonds and increase social interactions towards bettering the community and its environment’.