Ruahine Kiwi is a partnership between ENM’s Manawatū River Source to Sea Collective and Te Kāuru Eastern Manawatū River Hapū Collective, with the goal of reintroducing North Island eastern brown kiwi to the southern Ruahine.
We’re achieving this through large-scale mustelid control, with our trap network covering 23,000ha. We work closely with tangata whenua, local farmers, and volunteers, and we’re passionate about educating and engaging individuals and groups on our work and how they can make a positive difference in our rohe.
Transition Phase
As you will all appreciate, we have been a project run from DOC Jobs for Nature programme for three years, and we are now restructuring our project to one that has funding for staff, trapping and volunteers. We want to make sure we have all a solid foundation for Ruahine Kiwi before we bring the volunteers in, and we are working hard in the background to set this up.
We will continue to touch base with you all regularly and let you know how we are getting on. In the meantime, you can always follow along on our Facebook page or subscribe to our quarterly newsletter
Trapping Map
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